
Quality of Life and Living Environment



Community Housing And Technical Resources Groups, A Social Economy Model At The Heart Of The Sustainable Developmen Of Cities

North America

Québec has a unique and innovative community property and housing model that provides a permanent solution to the problem of access to housing for less fortunate households, while tangibly contributing to the urban development challenges facing  cities and major metropolises. Carried out by social economy organizations (technical resource groups, cooperatives and non-profit housing organizations) in partnership with local and national public administrations, community property development are carried out within an integrated approach to urban development approach that includes the issues of social inclusion and diversity,  the revitalization of neighborhoods, the showcasing of architectural heritage and sustainable development. Through a vast number of projects of housing cooperatives, of non-profit housing, of community spaces and buildings, these collective infrastructures have a major social and economic impact on the communities where they are established.

Association des groupes de ressources techniques du Québec

SSE organization

Ms. Edith Cyr


City of Montreal

Government and Public Agency

Mr. Russell Copeman

Responsible for housing, urban planning, real estatemanagement and planning, and for the Montreal Public Consultation Office


Mortgage Arrears and how to Avoid Loss of Housing whilst Impoving its Energy Efficiency


The CHA Mortgage to Rent project aims to allow CHA to purchase homes where residents are in long-term mortgage arrears and have no possibility of restructuring loans, or of entering into bankruptcy, due to low incomes or welfare dependency. CHA will purchase the homes in order to avoid repossession and loss of housing of residents. After the purchase, CHA will issue secure tenancies at Council-equivalent rents to residents, carry out any required repairs and fully retrofit the homes for greater energy efficiency. Residents will preserve the option to buy the properties back within a 5-year period. CHA will take long-term responsibility for management and maintenance of the properties, encouraging tenants to become members of the Association and participate fully in the management of the Association, and the development of community initiatives to improve homes and extend the work of CHA.

Carbery Housing Association Ltd.

SSE organization

Mr.Jose Ospina



Recuperating public spaces for quality housing through cooperatives

Latin America

For the past 23 years, the Coopérative de logement Alliance solidaire has provided housing solutions by creating housing, public spaces and solidarity-based communities that are participative and self-managed while respecting nature. In this way, 428 families have received land parcels and 6 lodging units were created to accommodate some 600 families.
We are located in the southern metropolitan district of Quito, and our activities have contributed to generating a sectional public policy. We work through co-op agreements with the metropolitan district of Quito, the regional government of Pichincha, universities, NGOs, and in particular the community we belong to through the 350 collective actions for social purposes, called “mingas.”
The impetus, the presence and accomplishments of women merit special mention, given that their involvement has enabled us to train managers who currently work at the district and community levels of the territorial zone.
The cooperative values and principles are put into practice through the actions and methodologies that guide the daily work of our organisation.

Cooperativa de Vivienda Alianza Solidaria

SSE organization

Ms. Sandra Lopez Giler

Vice President