Working group

Measures of Impact

Indicators and Measures of Impact

Evaluation of SSE Sectors and Organizations

Coordinated by : TIESS

By definition, the social and solidarity economy is characterized by its social end; good intentions alone are, however, not enough. The urgency to demontrate this impact, whether it is motivated by internal performance concerns or financial backers’ demands, is increasingly felt. Indeed, in the context of diminishing resources, public administration agencies and private philanthropic organizations need tools that will allow them to evaluate the real impact of their investments in communities and thereby determine the best approaches to take. Moreover, the rise of social entrepreneurship, and even more so of social finance – which needs numeric indicators as a measure of social dividends – only intensifies this need. Still, given the multiple stakeholders and missions, it is difficult to agree on the variables to measure, the indicators reflecting them and ultimately, on the methods to evaluate the social dimension of the impact of SSE businesses. The goal of this session is to evaluate the needs felt in the domain and especially the methods and recent experiences that can shed light on the future of this field of study.


Refer to the preparatory document and contributions.

The call to contributions is now closed.