
Social Cohesion

SSE and Social Services


Mutual Health Services: A System that Encourages The Construction of Healthy Communities

Latin America
Buenos Aires

This frontline health care network experience was piloted by a social and solidarity economy organization of Argentina. It features the good practices developed by the Asociación Mutual de Protección Familiar de Argentina (Mutual Society for Family Protection of Argentina) in the creation of networks and in their integration into the health care system through the creation and implementation of health care models based on renewed primary health care. The network illustrates how the mutual system, due to its solidarity nature and non-profit structure, turns out to be the most rational, suitable and  safest means to ensure the early provision of health care, thus allowing medical care  to reach the most excluded sectors. Its success is based on sustainability, self-financing, democratic organization and interaction with other organizations.

Asociación Mutual de Protección Familiar - AMPF

SSE organization

Mr.Cristian Omar Panelli

Health Administrative Manager


Water Purification for Women & Youth Empowerment and for the Prevention of Diseases

Sierra Leone
Koidu city

This initiative aims to alleviate poverty through the provision of job opportunities for youth and vulnerable women while preventing diseases caused by the drinking of contaminated water. By engaging women and youth in the water purification process and in the production for local consumption and for sale on the market of clean water, the initiative contributes to healthy and safe communities within and around the city.

Koidu New Sembehun City Council

Government and public agencies

Mr. Emerson Lamina



Five Cases of Collaboration Between a Consumer Cooperative and a Local Government For The Creation of Local Welfare Businesses

Chiba Prefecture

Pal-System Consumers’ Cooperative in Chiba has been endeavoring to improve food safety, child and elderly care and the general living conditions of its members since its creation in 1975. Recently, members raised the possibility of using some of the cooperative’s accumulated experience and resources to address problems faced by Japanese society such as social welfare, leading the cooperative to undertake new actions on this front. The presentation will introduce five of these activities.

Association of Seoul Declaration Japan (ASDJ)

Citizen initiatives

Pal-system consumer cooperative in Chiba Prefecture

Social and solidarity economy organization

Mr. Kenzo Taira



Identification, emerging and taking in charge of the victims of trafficking for labor exploitation


Parsec Cooperativa is a non-profit organization, engaged in fighting trafficking in human beings and in supporting the victims of sexual and labor exploitation.

In 2006, with funds of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Dep. Of Equal Opportunity, Parsec realized the first research on the phenomenon of severe labor exploitation in Lazio region and started up interventions, in partnership with other no profit organizations.

Now, the interventions are realized through a wide network of public – Lazio Region, Province of Rome, Health Institutions, etc. – and private entities – CSOs, Trade Unions, Training institutions, etc – which works in sinergy to ensure hospitality, medical and psychological assistance, training, counseling and job placement.

Cooperativa Sociale Parsec

SSE organization

Ms Federica Dolente
