
Enterprise and Job Creation

Marketing and Commercialization

Indicators and Measures of Impact Relationships Between Urban and Rural Areas

Projet SOL for Socially Responsible Food Service and Socio-Professional Integration

North America

Projet SOL is a social economy enterprise created to offer food services inside Espace pour la vie, a group of Montreal institutions that together create a place where nature and sciences are put to the forth. It was formed by a consortium of six food service enteprises, members of the Collectif des entreprises d’insertion du Québec (Collective of Worker-Intergration Enterprises of Québec). Half the jobs of Projet SOL are occupied by people who are following or have completed a professional integration course. To sum up, Projet SOL is an enterprising non-profit; a socially responsible and environmentally aware food service enterprise; the first job opportunity for graduates of socioprofessional work-integration programs; a healthy menu that integrates local, fair and organic products.

Projet SOL

SSE organization

Mr. Louis-Simon Larrivée

Executive chef


Bridging Social Capital: Cross-sectoral Partnership in the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Sector

Hong Kong
Hong Kong

The Hong Kong CSS-HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre (SEBC), a cross-sectoral partnership and the first tripartite social enterprise (SE) in HK, has initiated various innovative projects with the government and the private sector over the years. In the presentation, the experience of three unique projects where social capital was bridged, namely the “Good Goods Sales Platform”, the “Social Angels Programme” and the “Impact Incubator” in order to illustrate the impact and effectiveness of cross-sectoral partnership in driving social innovation.

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Government and public agencies

Mr. Anthony Wong

Business Director (Policy Research and Advocacy)


A city in fair trade

Latin America
Rio de Janeiro

The campaign to make Rio a Fairtrade Town aims to involve the entire carioca capital in promoting the consumption of healthy and sustainable products according to the principles of fair trade.
As a result of the campaign Rio will be declared as a Fairtrade Town, becoming the first capital in Latin America to receive this recognition. To fullfil this chalange, the campaign will need to achive five goals. One of them is to ensure that certified and sustainable products can be easily found in more than 200 shops and restaurants.

Besides the five basic Fairtrade Towns goals, Rio also included 2 new goals in its campaign, corresponding to programs that stimulate sustainable local food production, as well as market development for solidary economy businesses and cooperatives. In this sense, the city has been implementing public policies as the Solidary Economy Carioca Markets (Rio Ecosol) and the Organic Carioca Markets.

Secretaria Especial de Desenvolvimento Econômico Solidário - Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro

Government and public agencies

M. Ana Asti

Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade Manager


SSE organization

Caisse d'économie solidaire

North America

The Caisse d’économie solidaire is the bank for collectively-owned businesses, social movements and citizens concerned about a social and sustainable economy in Quebec.

Mr. Luc Rabouin

Director of Research, Development and Communications