Support For Short Supply Chains Of Agroecological Products In The Public Spaces Of The City

Latin America

In the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay, interesting experiences for the commercialization of agroecological products have been developed in the last ten years. They encompass products of agricultural, livestock and small-scale agricultural origin, regardless of the considerations of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAGAP) and the GAD Municipal de Cuenca (Decentralized Municipal Government). The different Producers’ Associations supported by non-governmental organizations that make up the Red Agroecológica del Austro (Austro Agroecological Network), the Colectivo Agroecológico (Agroecological Group) and the Red de Economía Solidaria (Solidarity Economy Network) created a GSP system, that defines the technical and social features of agroecological production as a guarantee of consumer rights. Work will be done in cooperation with the MAGAP and the Municipality of Cuenca regarding promotion policies for the production and commercialization of healthy products . Conversations will be held for the territorial planning taking into consideration the stakeholders of the SSE in order to achieve urban-rural interaction. The goal is to obtain a local ordinance that converts the expectations of the producers into public policy.

Red de Economía Solidaria

SSE organization

Mr.Patricio Bravo Vera



Self-sufficiency Sphere In Solidarity With Local Government and Civil Society – a Local Practice of the Yamagata Prefecture in the Okitama Region

Yamagata Prefecture

Several local governments, including three cities and five towns, as well as the individuals and their groups of the Okitama region of Yamagata Prefecture in northern Japan, formed a structure of self-sustenance blocs in order to counteract the negative effects of globalization. Faced with a decreasing population and declining agriculture and forest industries, they aim to foster a virtuous economic cycle by increasing local purchasing of necessities in the region and by decreasing the dependency on the external economy. Such movement leads to strengthened local industries and increases job creation.

Okitama Self-sufficiency Promotion Organization / Association of Seoul Declaration Japan (ASDJ)

Citizen initiatives

Mr. Tsutomu Watanabe



Creating Collectives of Food-Selling Women In the Markets of the Town of Klouékanmè


The creation of the pre-cooperative collectives inthe markets of Klouékanmè is the result of the cooperation between the GBESS (Beninese Social and Solidarity Economy Group) and of the administrative council of city hall. These collectives are perceived as one of the main solutions to the problems facing food-producing women. Co-operative education is provided and preparatory committees have been implemented during the statutory meetings. Moreover, the members of different groups have been given co-operative training.

Groupe Béninois d'Economie Sociale et Solidaire (GBESS)

SSE organization

Mr. Patrice Lovesse

General director


Mediator of the workshop - Citizen initiatives

Urgenci International Community Supported Network

Urgenci is the global Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) network and represents approximately 1.5 million producers and consumers at global level. Community Supported Agriculture has 2 pillars: food sovereignty and solidarity economy. Local Governments are involved in determining land use: to ensure the preservation of urban and peri-urban space to grow food and build sustainable local food policy. CSA also enables social inclusion by ensuring the excluded have access to healthy fresh local food. Solidarity economy takes the form of sharing the risks and the benefits of the harvest. The direct contact between producers and consumers, helps build social cohesion. This supports CSA as a grass-roots empowered social movement that make possible both local food sovereignty and solidarity economy.

Ms. Judith Hitchman
