
Social Cohesion

Recognizing the Informal Economy

Indicators and Measures of Impact Women Youth

Cooperation Between A Municipality and A Cooperative of Junk Collectors: Waste Management and Support For Vulnerable Groups


Alencop is a social cooperative created to guarantee decent living conditions for a vulnerable group and to tackle the problem of waste collection and treatment in urban areas. This  innovative project aims at providing social and environmental solutions to the city of Barcelona. Its target population are mostly immigrants, in majority in an irregular administrative situation and highly socially vulnerabie under the protection of the OPAI (Irregular Settlements Plan Office) of the Barcelona City Council, that previous survived through garbage picking. By providing collective responses to individual needs, the project offers employment, housing and food to its members.

Cooperativa Labcoop, SCCL

SSE organization

Mr.Guillermo Rojo


Ayuntamiento de Barcelona

Government and public agency

Ms. Elisenda Vegué Gisbert

Chief of Operations, Other Economies


Women In The Informal Economy and Local Governance: the Power of Standing On Your Own Two Feet - ABSENT


HomeNet Pakistan is a network of organizations working for the recognition and labor rights of home-based workers, across Pakistan, and is registered under the Societies Act. It is member of HomeNet, South Asia.a, a multi-pronged organisation that, in partnership with the Departments of Health, Social Welfare, Bait ul Maal and Water and Sanitation, addresses the challenges faced by the home-based workers. Specifically, those that can be summarized into three main issues: invisibility, lack of access to resources such as land, labor, capital and markets and lack of social protection.

HomeNet Pakistan

SSE organization


Participative Environmental Management, Recycling and Social Inclusion

Latin America

In order to tackle the problem of environmental pollution, the district of Ate in Lima (650,000 inhabitants), with the technical support of MUNIRED and the Comisión de Municipios Productivos, Economía Solidaria y Turismo, implemented a participative environmental management process in 2011 that contributes to creating environmental citizens through eco-efficiency and social inclusion through the “Program for Waste Separation at the Source and the Selective Collection of Solid Waste in the district of Ate”. The recyclers are young people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, registered in the Municipal Office for the Support to People with Disabilities -OMAPED-, who previously carried out this activity informally in the streets.

Asociación de Municipalidades en Red del Perú (MUNIRED PERU)

SSE organization

Mr.Jesus Quispe

Coordinator of Productive Municipalities Commission of Solidarity Economy and Tourism, MUNIRED PERU